How to peek and pop with 3D Touch on iPhone 6s #4.Play around with peek and pop to discover where you can use them iOS. Other ways to use Peek and Pop include pressing on a pin in Maps to view information about a place or pressing a playlist to get a preview of the songs in the list. Pop is a slightly harder touch that allows you to open the item you were previewing using Peek. When peeking, you can slide the peek window upwards to access another menu containing commands such as copy, share and so on. Peek allows you to force touch on content, such a new message notification, and preview the item. Peek and Pop are two gestures that you can use to preview content while working in apps. Once you are viewing the page, you can slide it upwards to access a menu that allows you to perform actions such as open the link, add it to a reading list or copy it. Depending on your internet connection, it may take 2-5 seconds for the page preview to load. When you see a link, simply press hard on the link and a pop-up preview of the site will appear. LinksģD touch also allows you to preview links from almost anywhere in iOS. How to use Quick actions with 3D Touch on iPhone 6s #2.For stock iOS apps, you can force press on Music, Clock, Camera, Photos, Notes and others to open the quick action menu. Not all apps support quick actions so you have to keep experimenting with this feature to see which apps support it. Quick actions provide an action menu that is available when you press down on a home screen icon. Here are some tips on where it works and how you can use it to increase your productivity. Because it is so new, 3D touch is not universally available in all apps. 3D touch combines a pressure-sensitive display with haptic feedback to provide an all-new user interface element for both stock iOS and third-party apps. Similar to Force Touch on the Apple Watch, Apple added 3D Touch to the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. If you need help with any particular tip, I’ve included links wherever available to our step-by-step guides which will provide more details. Except for the tips under the 3D Touch section, most of these tips will also work on other iPhones. The reason for compiling these tips and tricks is to get you to incorporate them in your daily workflow so that you use your device more efficiently (and spend less time using them). Please note that most of these tips and tricks are meant for new users, but I’m quite sure that even long time iOS users have either forgotten or aren’t using few of them actively. If you’ve just bought a new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, and new to the world of iOS, then here are some tips and tricks you should know to use your shiny new device.